The weather and climate in Halkidiki

The climate in Halkidiki is generally mild with limited rainfall whilst sunshine and warm summers are well known. It enjoys over 300 days or around 3,000 hours of sunshine on average annually. The lowest temperatures occur during December to February ranging between 3.5°C to 19°C, while highest temperatures occur during summer months and range between 23°C and 34°C.


In April the average maximum daytime temperature is a comfortable 18°C (64°F), while the average minimum night-time temperature is a cold 7°C (45°F). On average 37 mm (1.5 inches) of rainfall is expected during April with rain generally falling on 8 days of the month. There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 56% of daylight hours. During April around midday under clear sky conditions the UV Index is High (UV Index 6). Average sea temperature in April is a cold 14°C (58°F).



In May the average maximum daytime temperature is a warm 23°C (73°F), with little chance of discomfort from heat and humidity, while the average minimum night-time temperature is a cool 12°C (53°F). On average 43 mm (1.7 inches) of rainfall is expected during May with rain generally falling on 8 days of the month. There are usually 9 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 62% of daylight hours. During May around midday under clear sky conditions the UV Index is Very High (UV Index 8). Average sea temperature in May is a cool 17°C (63°F).



In June the average maximum daytime temperature is a warm 27°C (81°F), with low heat and humidity, while the average minimum night-time temperature is a comfortable 18°C (60°F). On average 30 mm (1.2 inches) of rainfall is expected during June with rain generally falling on 6 days of the month. There are usually 11 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 71% of daylight hours. During June around midday under clear sky conditions the UV Index is Very High (UV Index 9). Average sea temperature in June is a nice 21°C (71°F).



In July the average maximum daytime temperature is a warm 34°C (85°F), with moderate heat and humidity, while the average minimum night-time temperature is a comfortable 23°C (64°F). On average only 20 mm (1.1 inches) of rainfall is expected in Sarti during July with rain generally falling on 2 days of the month. There are usually 12 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 78% of daylight hours. During July around midday under clear sky conditions the UV Index is Very High (UV Index 9). Average sea temperature in July is a warm 24°C (75°F). *Please note that these are only averages. July and August are the hottest months and heatwaves are common with daytime temperatures exceeding 40°C and night-time temperatures around 30°C.



In August the average maximum daytime temperature is a warm 32°C (84°F), with moderate heat and humidity, while the average minimum night-time temperature is a comfortable 22°C (64°F). On average only 15 mm (1 inch) of rainfall is expected during August with rain generally falling on just 2 days of the month. There are usually 11 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 77% of daylight hours. During August around midday under clear sky conditions the UV Index is Very High (UV Index 8). Average sea temperature in August is a warm 24°C (77°F). *Please note that these are only averages. July and August are the hottest months and heatwaves are common with daytime temperatures exceeding 40°C and night-time temperatures around 30°C.



In September the average maximum daytime temperature is a warm 26°C (78°F), with low heat and humidity, while the average minimum night-time temperature is a comfortable 15°C (58°F). On average 34 mm (1.3 inches) of rainfall is expected during September with rain generally falling on just 4 days of the month. There are usually 9 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 69% of daylight hours. During September around midday under clear sky conditions the UV Index High (UV Index 6). Average sea temperature in September is a nice 23°C (74°F).



In October the average maximum daytime temperature is a comfortable 20°C (68°F), while the average minimum night-time temperature is a cool 11°C (51°F). On average 56 mm (2.2 inches) of rainfall is expected during October with rain generally falling on 7 days of the month. There are usually 6 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 54% of daylight hours. During October around midday under clear sky conditions the UV Index is Moderate (UV Index 4). Average sea temperature in October is a cool 20°C (69°F).


“SIROPOULOU Complex” open from 25.04 – 10.10 .
“SARTI PREMIUM Complex” open from 25.04 – 10.10.
“HOUSE KOSTAS On The Beach”  all year open .